Thursday, April 30, 2009

Three Coffee Mugs

I'm sitting at my desk right now and looking at three coffee travel mugs. Now the one I filled up this morning before leaving for work makes sense...but the two that have accumulated from Tuesday and Wednesday I would have sworn I took home. I'm sure it crossed my mind; I think I might have even picked them up to take with me at one time; but here they sit; I'd better get them home today or I'll be spilling coffee all over my truck tomorrow morning from the 'cup' I'll have to use. Do these things ever happen to you?
I hope my wife isn't looking for one...I doubt she'd think to look on my desk.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Let's Play Two!!

86 degrees and Sunny...What else can you ask for?
After battling COLD and WINDY days at the ballpark; this is the stuff you dream of. I know high school track, golf, softball and tennis are breathing a sigh of relief when they hear the forecast...let's hope it stays a while!

Like Dennis Quaid's character in The Rookie says, "You know what we get to do today Brooks? We get to play two!"